E-Books Destiny Discover

The Library owns many e-books, and digital audiobooks, from the Library vendor, Follett.  These e-books, and digital audiobooks, can be accessed through the Library home page using a program called Destiny Discover.  The collection can also be accessed by going into the OPAC link on the Library home page and clicking on the E-books (Destiny Discover) icon on the home page.  You can also use the "search e-book" feature under the search box.  Please see the attached Destiny Discover Quick Reference Guide.  You can read the e-books online but must have a student I.D. number and password (from the Librarian)  to check them out.

How Do the Destiny Discover E-books and Digital Audiobooks Work?

You must sign in to Destiny Discover with the whhslibrary guest username and password in order to view the e-books and digital audiobooks.

The Password to sign in, as a guest, is available in the Online Database Brochure available in the HS Library. Please change it to....is available in the Online Database Brochure available in the Secondary School Libraries.


An Overview of Destiny Discover/Universal Search video

Getting Started with E-Books in Destiny Discover

MOBILE ACCESS:  You can also access Destiny Discover on any mobile device using the Destiny Discover app.    

Free E-Books

  • Project Gutenberg
    Project Gutenberg offers over 46,000 free ebooks: choose among free epub books, free kindle books, download them or read them online.