April had a number of students recognized for demonstrating multiple Habits of the Mind characteristics. Congratulations to the April Students of the Month...keep persisting. More photos to follow tomorrow!
almost 3 years ago, James DeTommaso
Students and staff enjoying Habits of Mind activities during their lunch periods. Thank you to the staff and students for persisting!
almost 3 years ago, James DeTommaso
Students at the High School enjoying the Habits of Mind post-it activity today. They selected a trait from the posters to remind them of the success indicators. Students now have a tangible strategy on how to Raise the Bar inside and outside the walls of WHHS!
almost 3 years ago, James DeTommaso
Reading, writing and critical thinking continue at the High School in Ms. Ragucci’s class. The students are learning and enjoying the outdoor atmosphere.
almost 3 years ago, James DeTommaso
Students in Ms. Cassa and Mr. Mills’s class participating in a Jamboard activity in which they select which Habit of Mind relates to them an why. Our Habits of mind kickoff week will be filled with engaging and fun activities!
about 3 years ago, James DeTommaso
The girls softball team and boys baseball teams in early season form. Great to see the smiles and our student athletes competing. RamPride!
about 3 years ago, James DeTommaso
Just a reminder that we will be kicking off our Habits of Mind activities on Monday, May 17th. Our students and Support Staff will leading different activities throughput the week. It is going to a great RamPride week of learning!
about 3 years ago, James DeTommaso
Students in their AP Capstone research class making their formal presentations. Earning this diploma distinction is an outstanding accomplishment. Interested? Contact your school counselor if you have questions.
about 3 years ago, James DeTommaso
Students getting information today from the United State Army and Air Force. We thank them all for their service and commitment!
about 3 years ago, James DeTommaso
Ms. Pat Wood and students from Sheila Dempsey’s class celebrating School Nurse Day. We thank Ms. Wood for all her efforts in keeping us all healthy and safe!
about 3 years ago, James DeTommaso
Ms. Rowland’s students learning how to crush the free response questions on the AP Statistics Exam. Mental sweat required to prepare and succeed on this test. Our students can do it!
about 3 years ago, James DeTommaso
The girls track team celebrating many individual victories at our first home track meet in many years. Great to see our students having fun and competing again! And of course Raising the Bar!
about 3 years ago, James DeTommaso
Congrats to Dr. Rivers, Ms. Ross and her students for their participation in the Long Islands Best at Heckshire Museum. She was also selected to participate in the Firefly Artist Hall as one of 9 students chosen. We are extremely proud of this outstanding accomplishments.
about 3 years ago, James DeTommaso
Mr. Dooley’s students informing the class of the dangers of electronic cigarettes. The student were also sharpening their presentational skills as well. Stay safe and make good decisions about your health!
about 3 years ago, James DeTommaso
Ms. Layburn and the young artists in her ceramics glass using the clay Extruder to make make coils for the their large scale vase projects. The students are enjoying the process from start to finish as you can see.
about 3 years ago, James DeTommaso
Students in Ms. Southard’s Intro to Business Class going the extra mile by dressing up as their favorite entrepreneur while making their presentations. Students enjoyed the presentations and offered feedback. Do we have future business entrepreneurs in our future?
about 3 years ago, James DeTommaso
Ms. Rivera is using an Edpuzzle activity to engage her Spanish class. This is a great way for students to practice authentic language by speaking and problem solving. Buen Trabajo!
about 3 years ago, James DeTommaso
Participating in extracurricular activities provide opportunities to learn the fundamentals of teamwork and commitment. Interested? Now is your chance to join a varsity or junior varsity team. Become part of something special and join the Ram family. Contact Mr. Mistretta ASAP
about 3 years ago, James DeTommaso
Mr Grey and his 6th period students in his Economics class discussing different types of partnerships and what the advantages and disadvantages are of each. The students were engaged in conversation and actively participating.
about 3 years ago, James DeTommaso
The girls complete the three game sweep in impressive fashion and will move on to the next round of the playoffs. Congratulations to coach Dooley and all of the players on their outstanding performance! They truly Raised the Bar!
about 3 years ago, James DeTommaso