Board of Education
Staff Resources
District Office is located at:
252 Chestnut Street
District Office Hours are:
8:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. (September through June)
8:00 a.m. to 2:30 p.m. (July and August)
District Office houses the following offices:
Office of the Superintendent
(516) 390-3107
Daniel Rehman - Superintendent of Schools
Christine Greco - Secretary to the Superintendent
Amy Tenenbaum - Personnel Coordinator
Office of the Assistant Superintendent for Curriculum and Instruction
(516) 390-3119
Dina Reilly - Assistant Superintendent
Cathy Delrossi - Secretary to the Assistant Superintendent
Office of the Assistant Superintendent for Business and Operations
(516) 390-3103
Brian Phillips - Assistant Superintendent
Josephine Schwartz - Secretary to the Assistant Superintendent for Business and Operations
Karine Yenque - Senior Account Clerk for Business Operations
Angela Homapour - Accountant - Accounts Payable
Denise Lavin - Account Clerk for Business Operations
Maria Borsellino - Account Clerk
Gina Gandolfo - Transportation Coordinator
Offices of the Supervisor of Facilities and Director of Technological Services (516) 390-3105
Peter Mayo - Supervisor of District Facilities
Vincent Fleck - Director of Technological Services
Lorraine Seveneant - Secretary to the Directors and Textbook Clerk
William Lohrberg - Computer Support Technician
District Clerk and Secretary to the Board of Education
(516) 390-3118
Theresa Bryant
Central Registration - (516) 390-3120
Monday - Friday: 8:00 am - 4:00 pm (September - June) and 8:00 am - 2:30 pm (July and August)
Jonathan Hercules
District Treasurer - (516) 390-3109
Steven Guarini
Again, I trust this information is helpful to you and encourage you to give us a call with any questions and concerns you may have.
Welcome to the Office of the Superintendent of Schools webpage for the West Hempstead UFSD. I trust you will find the information on this page helpful. The role of the Superintendent is to oversee the academic, social, athletic, health/safety, and business operations of the school district for the people of West Hempstead and the Board of Education as their representatives. In this role, I have the assistance of board members, administrators, faculty, professional staff, and support staff. We take our obligation to the students, parents/guardians, and residents of West Hempstead very seriously and see ourselves as partners in educating the students in our care.
I want to be a part of creating and enjoying a learning environment where rigor, risk-taking, symbiosis, autonomy, and access for all are expected, valued, and modeled. Seymour Sarason stated, "Learning is a process that occurs in an interpersonal context and is dynamically comprised of factors whose strength is never zero. Those factors have labels such as motivation, attitude, cognition, affect, and self-regard." Motivation, in particular, intrinsic motivation, is particularly interesting to me. Why students actively participate in one course but are disengaged in another has always intrigued me. I believe a part of this may lie in the fact that the more the student becomes the teacher, and the more the teacher becomes the learner, the more successful the outcomes.
One question I hope to answer for our schools and in my professional life is, "How do different theories and philosophies concerning the nature of human development, the role of schooling in a democratic society, issues centering on social justice and equity, the subject matter of education, and the need for educational specialists whose job it would be to bring to the system the fruits of new ideas and research affect educational outcomes?" I am unsure where I read this, but I wrote it down and refer to it when I am in a state of cognitive dissonance.
As a student, athlete, leader, family member, and friend, I have tried to be in the "zone" or obtain that state of flow. Coined by Mihály Csíkszentmihályi, flow is the height of focused motivation. While in a state of flow, a person's action and awareness merge, and there is a strong concentration on the task at hand and a loss of awareness of time. This is the type of experience I want our students to be able to experience. The William James quote sums up my beliefs beautifully, "In teaching, you must simply work your pupil in such a state of interest - with every other object of attention banished from his mind; then reveal it to him so impressively that he remembers it to his dying day, and finally fill him with him with devouring curiosity to know what the next steps are."
The West Hempstead School District encompasses four schools:
West Hempstead Secondary School (Grades 7-12) - located at 400 Nassau Boulevard
Cornwell Avenue School (Grades 1-3) - located at 250 Cornwell Avenue
George Washington School (Grades 4-6) - located at 347 William Street
Chestnut Street School (Prekindergarten/Kindergarten) - located at 252 Chestnut Street
(Information about each school can be found on this website under the "Schools" tab.)
Also located within the boundaries of West Hempstead are the Gersh Academy and the Hebrew Academy of West Hempstead. The school district has excellent relationships with both schools.