The mental sweat and fun abounds @WHChestnut! #RamResolve

We’ve been advised by the Nassau County Police Department that it is safe to lift the district’s lockout. We are currently beginning dismissal procedures at all buildings. We ask for your continued patience as we work to dismiss students in a safe manner.
Thank you again for your continued cooperation and understanding throughout the day.

Please be advised that the district is currently still in a lockout. If the lockout isn’t lifted by dismissal, buses will not be able to run as usual. Please remain patient as this is an ongoing and active situation. As always, the safety of our students and staff is our top priority. Thank you for your continued cooperation and the district will provide updates as they become available.
Thank you for your assistance.

Good morning. This is a message from the West Hempstead School District. We were informed by the police that there is activity in the area. We are presently in a lock out and we'll inform you when it is over. Please do not come to the buildings. Everyone is safe. Thank you.

This weeks podcast featured Ms. Sara Fine and Ms. Barbara Silkes, third grade ICT teachers @CornwellAveES. #RamResolve http://www.whufsd.com/district/superintendents_coffee

@CornwellAveES #RamPride #RamResolve

Which Habits of Mind are you using today? #HOM #RamResolve

@WHGWashington off to strong start this morning. Smiles and mental sweat already apparent! #RamResolve

On April 9, 2021, the New York State Department of Health issued updated guidance regarding in-person instruction for school districts (the “Guidance”). Pursuant to the Guidance, prior to the District making any changes to reduce physical distancing to less than six feet between students during academic instruction, decisions must be made with community input.
The Guidance permits Districts to reduce physical distancing requirements to a minimum of three feet between students in classroom settings, subject to adherence to certain mitigation measures. In order for the District to accommodate such reduction in physical distancing in classrooms, the District would be required to amend its Reopening Plan. Thus, we request input regarding your child’s method of learning in the event physical distancing in classrooms is reduced to three feet for the remainder of the 2020-21 school year.
In the next day or two you will receive access to a form (either on-line or by mail depending on building), to notify us of your decision regarding your child’s method of learning for the remainder of the 2020-21 school year in the event physical distancing requirements are reduced and the District’s Reopening Plan is amended.
Thank you

NYS DOH Update - Survey
Following the lead of the U.S. Centers for Disease Control, the state Department of Health has issued a new version of school guidance that permits students to be as little as three feet apart from each other, with certain exceptions.
The state guidance also says: "The CDC no longer recommends physical barriers for mitigation where physical distancing cannot be maintained. A preferred approach is enhanced ventilation and air filtration to dilute and remove any SARS-Cov-2 particles from the air."
Consistent with prior guidance, face masks that meet guidelines are required for all people in school "at all times, except for meals," with exceptions for individuals with medical or mental health reasons for not wearing a mask. On school buses, individuals "must wear an acceptable mask at all times" including entering, exiting and while being seated.
One exception to the new three-foot standard involves counties with a high risk of transmission. In those counties, "elementary schools can maintain physical distancing of at least three feet between students in classrooms … However, in middle and high schools three feet between students in classrooms is recommended only when schools can use cohorting."
Cohorts are defined as "self-contained, pre-assigned groups of students with reasonable group size limits set forth by the school in their plan." The guidance says cohorting can be an effective way to minimize the potential spread of the virus, particularly among younger students.
The guidance states that a minimum of six feet of distance must be maintained at all times between all adults (teachers, staff and visitors) and between students and adults. Six feet is also the rule in all common areas (e.g. lobbies, auditoriums, gymnasiums, cafeterias and hallways) – "where possible."
Six feet of distance must also be maintained when students are not wearing a mask, including eating, drinking and playing a wind instrument, according to detailed rules listed on pages 6, 7 and 8 of the guidance.
"This may mean that meals cannot be eaten in classrooms that have been converted to three feet of physical distance during instruction time," the guidance notes.
Also, students must be six feet from others when singing, and the phraseology of the document suggests this is regardless of whether they are wearing a mask. "There must be six feet of distance between the performers and the audience during performances and concerts," according to the guidance.
Please complete the survey at https://my.thoughtexchange.com/scroll/986547896
Thank you

The U.S. Department of Education chose not to approve New York’s waiver request to forego state assessments this year. USDE had previously agreed to uncouple state assessments from ESSA accountability requirements, including the 95% participation rate for the assessments, so any results from this year’s administrations will be used solely as a measure of student learning.
The Department will administer only Session 1 of the grades 3-8 assessments in Mathematics and ELA and only the written test component of the Grades 4 and 8 Science Tests.
Additionally, only the Regents Examinations required under ESSA will be given during the June 2021 administration, which are the ELA, Algebra 1, Earth Science and Living Environment Exams.
The August 2021 Regents Exams are cancelled.
The New York State English as a Second Language Achievement Test (NYSESLAT) and New York State Alternate Assessment (NYSAA) are being administered according to the established schedules for those students who are able to safely come into school and take the assessments.

Check out Mr. Ayokunle in Newsday talking about COVID from a student perspective. Well done, sir! #RamResolve

The podcast is up. This past week we interviewed @MrsAngelo_Room8 who teaches ‘em up @WHChestnut. #RamResolve http://www.whufsd.com/district/superintendents_coffee

@CornwellAveES is back in action! We love to see all of these beautiful and handsome faces. #RamResolve

School is back in session tomorrow! See below for all changes to the calendar.
Here is the information concerning the snow make up days for school year 20/21:
The 12/17 snow day will be made up on May 27th. May 27th will be a Day 2 for secondary and elementary. Cohort B will attend in-person. Cohort A will be remote.
The 2/1 snow day will be made up on May 28th. May 28th will be a Day 2 for secondary and elementary. Cohort A will attend in-person. Cohort B will be remote.
The 2/2 snow day #3 will be made up on April 6th. April 6th will be a Day 1 for secondary and a Day 3 for elementary. Cohort B will attend in-person. Cohort A will be remote.
Please mark your calendars accordingly. Thank you for showing your #RamResolve.

The podcast is up. This week we interviewed @MrsAngelo_Room8 who teaches ‘em up @WHChestnut. #RamResolve http://www.whufsd.com/district/superintendents_coffee

Happy Passover!

Here is the information concerning the snow make up days for school year 20/21:
The 12/17 snow day will be made up on May 27th. May 27th will be a Day 2 for secondary and elementary. Cohort B will attend in-person. Cohort A will be remote.
The 2/1 snow day will be made up on May 28th. May 28th will be a Day 2 for secondary and elementary. Cohort A will attend in-person. Cohort B will be remote.
The 2/2 snow day #3 will be made up on April 6th. April 6th will be a Day 1 for secondary and a Day 3 for elementary. Cohort B will attend in-person. Cohort A will be remote.
Please mark your calendars accordingly. Thank you for showing your #RamResolve.

Knowledge promoters leading the Do Now in Ms. Messana’s & @Abbott_teach class in @WHGWashington. Shout out to @WHUFSDd for supporting our staff and students. #RamResolve

Knowledge promoters leading the Do Now in Ms. Messana’s & @Abbott_teach class in @WHGWashington. Shout out to @WHUFSDd for supporting our staff and students. #RamResolve